※ A math challenge game board for students to complete over winter break, using the online games and books at GregTangMath.com.
※ Students who complete the challenge can be entered into a prize drawing by their parent or teacher.


※ 5 individual students will win personalized, signed copies of Greg Tang's books.
※ All students who complete the challenge earn a certificate of achievement which can be printed here after Jan. 6.
※ Teachers and parents can provide their own prizes for students who complete the challenge.

※ Kids in grades K-5 can participate in the challenge.
※ Any teacher or parent can fill out the form for the prize drawing.

※ Starting the beginning of winter break.
※ Ending on January 8, 2014.
※ Prize winners announced on January 13, 2014


※ Before the break, click the tab at the top of this page to print the game board.
※ After the break, click the "Enter to Win" tab to submit student names for the drawing.
※ See the instructions at the right for more detailed information.

※ Students learn and practice math skills during their vacation!
※ Classrooms and individual students can win prizes!
※ It is FUN!

※ If everyone would benefit from the answer, please post the question in the comments area below.
※ Have an independent question? Email: winterchallenge@gregtangmath.com

2nd Grade Gameboard Example:


  1. The game card doesn't seem to open. Suggestions?

  2. The cards are PDF documents, so you may need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them. You might also try another browser to see if you have any better luck.

    1. I will keep working on this but both Chrome and Explorer give the message that the page cannot open or the connection was lost.

    2. Hi Jerri,

      I just added some alternate links to the Game Board page. Hopefully they will work for you.

      - Tammy

    3. Thanks Tammy! The alternate links worked! :-)

    4. Where is the alternate link? I am unable to open the game board either. Says page cannot be displayed.

    5. Just scroll to the bottom of the "Print Gameboards" page to see the alternate link. If you can't get it, send me an email and I'll send the files to you that way: tammyw at essdack.org

  3. Is there a parent letter to send home with the gameboard so the parents understand what to do?

    1. That is a great idea! I'll try to get one added to the gameboard page within the next few hours. Thanks!

  4. Is the contest available to Canadian students?

  5. You have a typo on the 5th grade game board, next to the snowflake, under "missing" you have two i's in the word division

  6. What a GREAT idea! My multiagers LOVE the site and will even choose to work on it during Free Choice Time!! Thanks for making challenging math fun!

  7. I'm new to this and not quite sure how it all works. My daughter brought home the game board and the first square says to read and do "Math Potatoes", where do I find this?
    Thank you.

  8. Just go to gregtangmath.com and click "Books" at the top. You'll see "Math Potatoes" as one of the options. The other activities will be in the "Games" or the "Kakooma" section. Hope you have fun!

  9. Does the snowflake on the game board stand for anything?

  10. Hi
    My son completed the course and it says return the completed game board however its not mentioned where to return.

    1. If done as a class activity, your son should return the signed gameboard to his teacher. If it was done as an independent activity, just make sure you fill out the form on this site to enter him in the drawing.

  11. Thanks for the prompt response, I appreciate.
    My son enjoyed and now he wants to try next grade challenge.. :)
